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LIVE CASE: FemPop ISR, Pedal Access, and Tibial & Pedal Loop Intervention
Live Case Presentation #1 Sessions In Clti Primary Pedal Access For Tibial Revascularization F Saab
Prior failed intervention of the Left SAF ISR, re-attempt via pedal access.
Live Case: Peroneal Art Access To Cross Fem-Pop and Peroneal Artery CTO
Below the Knee Intervention- September 26, 2018
Live Case Presenation #8 Sessions in CLTI Multi Tibal Artery Revascularization Fadi Saab Grand Rap
Popliteal Artery CTO Intervention w/ failed prior attempt
Chronic total occlusion (CTO) of left popliteal artery
Fempop CTO Crossing Algorithm (Access, Wires, CTO Crossing Devices)
Case 2 Serration Angioplasty for ATK, BTK and Pedal Revascularization Siah Expert case review
Common Femoral, SFA, and Popliteal Disease
CVC 2014 Arterial Day 1 PM Session 1